Wednesday, October 22, 2008


So went headed out of town for some country chillaxin' this weekend. We hit up the Cache la Poudre Wilderness, full of wild and wonder and.... hunters. Yes, the hillsides were pock-marked with that tell-tale bright orange of hunters in their natural habitat. We even heard a shot gun go off way to close to the campground; if you're going to hunt, be smart, OK? Don't hunt near campgrounds, and don't shoot TOWARD the road, 'cause I know you did. Just because you're more than so many yards away from from the road doesn't mean you can aim for it.

Anyway, we didn't get much hiking in (due to the hunters' paradise going on), but we did manage to find a nice campsite next to a hideout of local college kids escaping for the weekend. No matter how rowdy they were or could have been, they've got NOTHING on the guys we encountered on the Isle of Arran in Scotland. Glasgowians have everyone beat in the obnoxious-as-hell category. Really, they weren't that bad, except they lost their dogs in the middle of the night. Not to mention NOBODY in Colorado seems to observe the Bear Country signs posted everywhere. I know black bears are pretty pansy, by Montana standards, but they do put down bears that become accustomed to people, so come on... DON'T leave your open bag of potato chips out on your picnic table. Let's all be Bear Aware. Coloradoans certainly aren't.

But we had a good time. A nice fire, a nice sunset, and we totally remembered the pillows this time! We needed some peace and quiet and genuine river noises. Here are some of my shots (minus the one I'm in!) from our trip!

Me, Hanging on the Cache la Poudre River!

Gin, anyone? Close-up of Juniper berries

Big Bag Cactus

Life on the Cache la Poudre River

A Long exposure of the Colorado Night Sky

'Tis the Blessed Moon!

Jonmikel in one of his smiley moments :-)

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