Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Park Day

Ah so, before I get to my fabulous new cat (fabulous!), I wanted to post some shots of my Park Day with the new job. Because were are inherently park-related, NPCA corporate (as I lovingly call them) has decided that it would be prudent to allow all field offices to have one day out and about in a park of their choice to work on "team building" (see why I say "corporate"?). So, being in Ft. Collins, we all packed it up for the day and headed out to Rocky Mountain National Park last Tuesday. Lucky, because I was plumb worn out by my exhausting first day of filling out paperwork. :-)

Fall has hit, and its absolutely gorgeous. Quaking Aspen have to be some of my favorite plants, and we were also lucky enough to see a group of bighorn sheep as we headed out of the canyon on Rt. 34 back toward Loveland.

Bear Lake

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