Saturday, May 17, 2008

Scottish Weather

Good news: we traveled to the beach at exactly the right time! We hit up the hot weather, missed the Tuesday showers on the return train, and got home just in time for the weather to return to normal: dull, gray, low 50s, rainy. You know, miserable. I have an odd temperature range: I hate anything between 40 and 65 degrees. I want my winters freezing and my summer smoldering. Is that too much to ask?

Also, Jonmikel has an interview with the Nature Conservancy coming up next week; this could be the job he's been looking for for year! It's in Lander, Wyoming, near mountains. So wish him luck!

I also thing I forgot to mention our first brush with thunderstorms. Last week as we sat outside a Royal Mile pub, being touristy yet native and enjoying the brief warm stint, we heard thunder! Real, live, LOUD thunder! I don't know if storms are rare here, but this is the first time we had heard any since we arrived, and the tourists lining the cobblestone walkways ooed and ahhed appropriately, then ran for cover. This was followed by some drizzle, so Jonmikel and I remained outside with our beers and propped up under our little umbrella when it got a little too heavy. This voracious downpour only last a few minutes, but we did get some fun looks from passersby. What can I say, we're incredibly cute. :-)

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