Monday, September 24, 2007

Where our flat is located is a quiet part of town, outside the main loop but still close to shops and such. However, you can still hear sirens from here, usually at a distance. I would just like to mention how disappointed I was to find out that sirens here in Scotland (I have no idea about the rest of the UK) are not, in fact, of the European type that I had so looked forward to hearing here, but instead are of the boring and annoying American type. And you hear them just as much. Fire trucks are the exception, their sirens being wonderfully… European. Someone needs to inform the Scottish Police that tourists come here for the sirens. A re-instatement of tradition is called for.

Also, they have magpies! Who knew! It feels just like being back home in Montana; there’s even a Buffalo Bar with a big picture of Chief Joseph hanging in the front window. Granted there it’s like $20 for a burger and $10 for a beer, but it’s the atmosphere they’re going for.

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