So there’s this frozen dead guy. He used to be frozen in Norway, which is where he lived and died and froze (because Norway is cold). He died, he froze, and then he was shipped to a cryonics lab in California, where he hung out as a frozen dead guy in liquid nitrogen. His family wanted to take care of dad/grandpa (as good children are wont to do), so they take frozen dead Grandpa in and keep him at an average of -60 degrees F in a shed in Nederland, Colorado, where the happy family dreamed of inventing their very own cryonics lab (presumably without being scientists) using dry ice (or, “Po Man’s Liquid Hydrogen”). Grandson gets deported for overstaying his welcome (green card), and Daughter (Grandson’s Mom) gets evicted because she’s living in her house with no electricity or plumbing and with a frozen dead dude, all three of which are apparently against the law. But because Daughter was do distraught that her father might defrost, the city adopts a (get this, its great) Grandfather Clause (I know, right!?) for the anti-dead-guy-in-freezer law, and a local environmental company and a cryonics preservation company band together to assure that Grandpa stays frozen and sanitary. They even built a shed for Grandpa, in honor of him being dead and frozen. In double the honor, the town holds Frozen Dead Guy Days every March (beginning in 2002), featuring several delectable events, such as a parade (can’t have a festival without a parade!), coffin races (with homemade coffins and homemade dead people!), a polar plunge (in which people strip down and jump in a frozen pond, fun for the whole family!), a ball (with a “best dead person” costume contest), and pancakes breakfasts (which is pretty much exactly what it sounds like). Also, live entertainment! We headed up to them thar hills to see a band that is supposed to be much better live than they are on their CD (Elephant Revival, and they are!!), as well as some other unwashed hippy bluegrass bands (the best kind!).
Scenes from the Parade:
The obligatory old farm equipment pictures!
The covered pedestrian bridge over Boulder Creek, the main pathway to the beer tent!You can really see in this shot up around the edges how its getting blurry... yeah, water got INTO my lens, and then proceeded to fog up the inside of the camera... I think it may be time for a new lens...
The bustling little town of Nederland, CO... this is the town's 1700 people mulling around after the parade
Bear! Rawr!
Jonmikel and his long hair
A hearse in the parade passing by the town's original Panama Canal Steam Shovel!
Snow prophylactics
She got lost in the parade...
Mini-Bear! Rawr!
People in the parade... these guys all went on to compete in the coffin races (to be featured in a later post)
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