Monday, April 27, 2009

Why I hate Colorado

This is why:

A woman meets a black bear on a trail and decides to run, and wonders why it "chases" her. You're NEVER supposed to run from a bear, but people in Colorado are not that bright. So Fish and Wildlife has to hunt it down, and once the woman (who obviously has no idea how to handle wildlife in the first place) says that yes, that's the bear (because she knows so much about bears, she can OBVIOUSLY tell the difference between them), they kill it.

I mean, how lame! A bear gets curious because a stupid woman is doing something stupid, so they kill the bear? Maybe they should publicly cane the woman for being an idiot and freaking out when she saw a bear and running away and getting herself hit by a car.

This is the problem with Colorado. It's a bunch of people from New York and DC who come out here because it's "wild" and then turn it into New York and DC and have no idea how to really handle anything remotely wild. A curious BLACK bear is apparently a big threat to these people. I can't imagine what they would do in Gardiner, where you have to live side-by-side with grizzly bears, wolves and bison. Freak out and demand that they all be euthanized, I guess. Coloradoans hate it when they can't control their wilderness.


Anonymous said...

I think maybe she should have taken evolutions hint and died before spawning more idiots out into the world.

Kat said...
