Thursday, July 29, 2010

Miner's Delight, Revisited

Heading back to Miner's Delight, the remnants of what Wyoming once thought about becoming.

We find ourselves continuously visiting some of the same places...

Places that seem to inspire curiosity...

Places that freak us out just a little bit...

Places that are beautiful in abandonment and in a nostalgic state of disrepair.

Monday, July 26, 2010

South Pass City Days

Who should watch vintage baseball in the middle of a Wyoming ghost town in a big floppy hat?

Why, everyone should!

Vintage Baseball during South Pass City Days in South Pass, Wyoming, a charming gold town with a fabulously seedy history, including being home to the first female judge in the United States, Esther Morris, and to the person who introduced a woman's suffrage bill in 1869 that would make Wyoming the very first state to allow woman to vote.

Not that women voting is seedy, but... you know.

Photos courtesy of Jonmikel Pardo.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Springtime on the Popo Agie

Each time I take the same photo, it looks different. Different water, different leaves, different rocks, different little critters right under the surface that I can't even see or hear or touch but that all manage to change how a river flows and how a photo looks.

Never sure how I manage to change camera settings or what those setting would even mean if I were to change them, but somehow each faux camera click of the DSLR creates something unique.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Lander Fourth! Part 2!

Ahhh, the time honored tradition of the 4th of July in Lander, Wyoming...

A little food and game...

A little creative badminton...
And a little creative napping!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Lander Fourth!

Ahhh, the time honored tradition of the 4th of July in Lander, Wyoming...

Independence at it's best...

The one day of the entire year...

Where you can drink beer on the street...

for breakfast!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

One Year Anniversary of Being a Homeowner!

We have officially owned our house for a year.

This is also officially the longest I have owned anything of value, including laptops, cell phones, and most of my jewelry.

Still not sure how this happened. But at least the views are nice.

Oh and to commemorate, there are baby horses in my front yard! :-D

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Getting Personal with Indian Paintbrush

Because of the unseasonably wet summer so far, wildflower season is stretching on as far as it possibly can. Small shoots of Indian paintbrush, late bloomers by all accounts, peak up through monotone sage and fields of yellow balsam root flowers. They surprise you as you walk along lonely forest trails and through ghost towns of tired wooden homes and neglected dams. They sneak up on you as you pick your way across muddy streams and massive fields of beetle kill.

But they are never demure, never shy. Always flirting with the accruing dustiness of Wyoming summer.